Rotary International Convention 2017 at Atlanta, USA.
Attended: Dr. Sunil Keswani, Dr.Vandana Keswani, Dr. Shilpa Karnik and Sangita Panda
Date-9th-14th June 2017, at Atlanta Georgia
To create Awareness about the concept of Skin Banking and Skin Donation, and sharing our experience of Skin Banking to international delegates and knowledge exchange. A total of 42,000 delegates’ attended the convention. We shared our experience in setting-up and day- to-day running of entire skin banking activities and the role of Rotary in successful establishing and propagating the skin banking concept in India.
Skin Donation Awareness Programme at different places
Opening of Skin Bank in Ahmedabad
Opening of Skin Bank in Indore
Opening of Skin Collection Center at BSES hospial Andheri
Skin Donation Lecture for Hindustan Petroleum Co. Ltd
Lecture on Skin Donation Organized for the Official of a Leading B.P.O In India
Photographs of Various Events happened at NBC
IBCU & Skin Regeneration Lab Inauguration
Nurses Training
Skin Bank Inauguration
Operation Restore
School Education Programme Prize Distribution Function