Intensive Burns Care Unit (IBCU)
Salient features of the NEW Intensive Burns Care Unit (IBCU):

Large separate cubicles (8 cubicles)
Each cubicle has separate air conditioning system with separate 3 air filters of 20, 8
An microns.
Each cubicle has a heater device so that the cubicles can be warmed after dressing to conserve heat loss and prevent shivering.
Each cubicle has a separate nurse (Nurse-patient ratio of 1:1)
Each cubicle with multipart monitors to monitor pulse, BP, SPO2, ECG and CVP
Each cubicle with remote controlled beds where all functions of the bed can be activated by a switch both by the patient and the nurse
2 cubicles with Renal Dialysis Facility
A separate dressing minor operation theatre inside the IBCU-all dressings will be done in the OT
Central monitoring station where all the patients parameters can be seen.
Staff-well trained burn nurses and intensivists.
Resident medical officer's room and Surgeons Lounge inside the IBCU.
Corrider View
Corrider of IBCU

Individual Cubicle

Nursing Station
Corridor.JPG Sepate cubicle with hepa.JPG Operation theatre inside IBCU.JPG DSCN7941.JPG DSCN7942.JPG DSCN7944.JPG
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